Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Free! The "How to Build a Pool Deck" eBook is now open license.

That's right, all 70 pages of my above ground pool deck building information is now free.

You can get it at

The reason I have chosen to do this is because it's always been about providing the best pool deck building tips possible.

And since the Internet was founded as a user-generated medium any content that gives you the ability to share and contribute to new content creation - with credit going to the original creator - makes open license a compelling distribution method.

What is "open license"?

Open license - or "open source" in the software world - is freely given content that gives people the option to share or possibly remix the original content. So the very restrictive and traditional "all rights reserved" copyright is essentially liberalized and some rights are reserved by the creator.

The type of open license given by the originator of the content can differ and is determined by that person or company.

For more information on how this works and how it fits into an international legal framework please visit Creative Commons.

What's the open license for the How to Build a Pool Deck eBook?

The eBook has a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

You can view the legal stuff at Creative Commons.

But what this basically means is that you can freely share the eBook with anyone you wish and you can remix and share again... just as long as the license remains the same, it's non-commercial (more on this below), and you credit for the original content.

You can add you're own decking knowledge, pool deck building photos, or anything you think is important but we might have missed.

In essence it's about making the eBook the best it can possibly be and if you want to, you can help do it. We might even help you publish an updated version of the eBook and you'll get credited for it too.

If you're in the decking business or if you're a contractor, this could be something you give to clients. Creating your own version and asking us to help publish it could give your business more exposure.

Just respect the "non-commercial" part of the license, meaning don't re-sell the eBook without our permission. Contact us if you're interested in resale rights.

That's it folks! The future of "How to Build a Pool Deck" is now in your hands.

Enjoy your pool!

Best regards,

Paul Ottaviano

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