Friday, November 6, 2009

Above Ground Pool Deck ROI

It's hard to believe that November is already here. I hope you all had a great summer and if you decided to build an above ground pool deck then I hope everything went as smoothly as possible and that you still had some time left over to enjoy it this summer.

If you had your return-on-investment (ROI) in mind it's very possible you made a good decision to build a pool deck.

Appraisers will usually not include just an above ground pool because it's not considered a permanent structure. However, an above ground pool deck could possibly be included in your appraisal.

I don't want to give you the impression that it's really that simple because there are details that could influence an appraisers or perspective home buyers thinking.

For example, the size of the deck, its location or compatibility with the home, whether it's made of composite or wood, etc... and of course whether or not you build your pool deck in compliance with local building codes could have a impact on your ROI. There is also the ups and downs of the housing market too.

That said, if you build an above ground pool deck of reasonably good quality and it's up to code you could very well see a nice ROI.

As always, enjoy your pool!


Paul Ottaviano - How to Build a Deck Around a Pool

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